Jill Odom, Author at The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Author: Jill Odom

Jill Odom is the senior content manager for NALP.

Master the Art of the Shameless Plug

Do you find it challenging to communicate your strengths and accomplishments? If so, you don’t want to miss the NALP Women’s Forum keynote on Nov. 3 at 10 a.m., the day before ELEVATE. This daylong pre-ELEVATE event is designed for women in the green industry and provides an opportunity grow your network and advance your […]

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Smarter, Faster: Exploring AI and Automation in The Industry

AI and automation can be indispensable tools for lawn and landscape companies looking to do more with fewer people. While they can seem like daunting concepts to integrate into operations, many companies in the landscape industry are already reaping the benefits of being early adopters. Where AI and Automation Excel When considering where your business […]

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Peer Perspectives: Leveraging Technology to Create Next-Level Customer Service

In the early days of the lawn and landscape industry, customer interactions consisted of a firm handshake and paper statements. Nowadays, companies are finding ways technology can augment customer relationships and help them stand out from the crowd. Different Tech Solutions Depending on the nature of your business will determine what type of technology is […]

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How I Do It: Adding an AI Website Agent

How much time does your team have to spend answering basic customer questions like where can they pay their bill on your website or how high they should mow their grass? With the help of an AI website agent, Oasis Turf & Tree, based in Loveland, Ohio, has been able to save hours of being […]

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Building Your Team: Tapping Into Technology To Aid in Training

Onboarding and training your employees are time-intensive but necessary tasks. Properly training your team can help boost your overall quality of work and efficiency. It can also aid in employee retention and satisfaction as well-trained team members feel valued and better equipped to do their jobs. There are various types of software that can help […]

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Boosting Your Business: The Future of Labor and Landscape Maintenance

“Landscaping is a game of minutes where you’re trying to be as productive as possible,” says Jarrett Herold, co-founder and COO of Electric Sheep Robotics, Inc., based in San Francisco, California. This is why many landscape companies are seeking a competitive edge with robotic mowers. “Labor management remains a top priority for our company, and […]

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Talking with Titans: Ivan Giraldo

Ivan Giraldo founded Clean Scapes Landscaping, based in Austin, Texas, with Rex Gore in 2005. He has more than 30 years of experience in the industry and served as a branch manager with TruGreen before starting his company. In 2021, Giraldo and Gore transitioned Clean Scapes to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Did you […]

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Four Reasons Why Your Boss Should Join You at ELEVATE

Want to attend ELEVATE but not sure how to convince your boss it’s worth the investment for both of you to attend? We’ve got you covered! There are tons of reasons why ELEVATE, presented by NALP and powered by Caterpillar, is the must-attend industry event of the year, but we’ve summed it up into four […]

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Level Up: Rossen Landscape Seeks Revenue Growth with Sustained Profit

Our Level Up series shares the strategies that help landscape and lawn care companies get to the next level. Jeff Rossen’s passion for landscaping was born when he was gifted some unhatched Japanese koi eggs. He built his first pond for these fish, and it progressively got bigger each time he rebuilt it. Around 13 […]

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Keep Your Clients’ Trees Thriving: Summer Care Dos and Don’ts

We’re well into the dog days of summer, and while your clients may be fretting about their turf, make sure their trees aren’t being overlooked. Do Water Consistently   Both newly installed and mature trees can struggle during hot, dry periods. “You have to inspect the trees, especially this time of year,” says Manny Nassar, […]

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