arboriculture Archives - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Keep Your Clients’ Trees Thriving: Summer Care Dos and Don’ts

We’re well into the dog days of summer, and while your clients may be fretting about their turf, make sure their trees aren’t being overlooked. Do Water Consistently   Both newly installed and mature trees can struggle during hot, dry periods. “You have to inspect the trees, especially this time of year,” says Manny Nassar, […]

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Early Identification of Spring Tree Diseases

Spring is lauded for blooming flowers, but it has a downside, too. As the weather warms, insects proliferate while bacteria and viruses can flourish. Spring rains make fungi, well, mushroom, and the season’s lovely breezes spread the fungi spores. So you’re more apt to encounter tree diseases in spring. Early identification can mitigate damage to […]

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Tree Care: Preserving Mature Trees During Landscape Construction Projects

Mature trees are incredibly valuable to properties as they provide shade, capture stormwater and absorb air pollution. While you can plant younger trees to replace mature trees that were removed during a landscape construction project, there are methods to preserve your client’s established trees. Obviously, it’s easier to work with a blank slate, but client […]

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The Davey Tree Expert Company Invests in Their Employees with SEED Campus

The Davey Tree Expert Company is committed to scientifically-based horticulture and environmental services, and to help with that, they are currently constructing the Davey Tree SEED (Science, Employee Education and Development) Campus in Kent, Ohio. This 170+ acre property formerly housed Oak Knolls golf course and Franklin Elementary School on State Route 43. It will […]

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Tree Care: Warning Signs of a Tree in Decline

While the groundhog may have predicted an early spring, there’s still a good bit of time before your clients’ trees break dormancy. However, the last thing they want to see after a long winter is a barren tree when it should be budding. Rather than having this unpleasant surprise, you can identify the symptoms of […]

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Celebrating Arbor Day Shows Hope for the Future

When Arbor Day was first founded in 1872, it was driven by J. Sterling Morton encouraging fellow Nebraska residents to plant trees across the territory. Now the day has become a time to celebrate the planting, upkeep and preservation of trees. “Arbor Day renews my hope and optimism that as a community, we acknowledge trees, […]

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Tree Care: To Cable or Not to Cable

If a client has a tree with cracks in the bark or weak branches due to codominant stems, cabling the tree can be a possible solution. Tree cabling can prevent the tree from failing and mitigate the risk of certain limbs falling. “Cabling helps the limb move more in unison with the tree and reduces […]

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How I Do It: Breaking the Mold of the Average Tree Operation

Like many other companies in the industry, Limbwalker, based in Louisville, Kentucky, had humble beginnings. Cory Petry and Chris O’Bryan started the business with a truck, an old chipper, some chainsaws and climbing equipment in 2004. Now 18 years later, they have 45 employees and more ISA Certified Arborists on staff than any other company […]

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Highlight the Value of Trees with i-Tree Tools

April 29 will mark the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day, which was started in Nebraska and serves as a tree-planting holiday. This holiday represents a hope for the future by planting trees that will one day provide clean air, cooling shade, habitats for wildlife and healthier communities. If you’re wanting to show your clients the […]

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Climbing High: Alisha Amundson’s Experience as an Arborist

If you reach Alisha Amundson’s voicemail, it says she’s either in a tree or assisting another customer. This sums up the majority of this arborist’s day, but she is also a mother and owner of Tree Girl Designs, based in Orlando, Florida. Amundson says getting into arboriculture was fated for her, although she didn’t seek […]

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