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Design/Build: The Power of Before-and-After Visuals

Landscape design/build work is a highly visual service. Customers often call to boost their curb appeal or create a wow factor in their backyards. Because this service line creates such visually striking differences before and after a job, take advantage of the transformations you’re behind by documenting and marketing them. The Benefits of Before-and-After Shots […]

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Maximizing Your Marketing Budget: Effective Lead Generation Strategies for Smaller Lawn and Landscape Businesses

Generating leads is a critical aspect for any lawn and landscape company. As you progress through different phases of the business life cycle, the best method for generating these leads will evolve as well. In your startup phase, typically the first two years of the business, you are best served by networking and establishing your […]

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Marketing Matters: The Value of Picking a Lane

It’s easy to want to be all things to all people. Especially when you were starting out, how could you possibly say no to paying customers? However, the sooner you find your ideal client base to focus on the better, as making the transition later on will become increasingly harder with a larger organization. Refining […]

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Lawn Care: Selling The Value of Aeration Services

When you’re trying to provide your customers with a lush lawn for their property, one tool that can aid in this effort is aeration. The challenge is selling the service to customers who may not understand the purpose or benefits of aeration. Aeration helps reduce soil compaction. It also allows water, oxygen, and fertilizer to […]

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Five Marketing Mistakes Landscape Entrepreneurs Need to Fix for 2024

Guest post by Robert Murray with Intrigue Media Marketing. Everyone has an opinion. Some are good, most are not, and few are backed by data and facts. So, how do you figure out who to trust and what to do? For the last three years, the wind has been at our back and business has […]

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Social Media Marketing for New Leads

Your customers spend a significant amount of time on social media platforms, so it’s natural to have a presence there as part of your marketing efforts. Taking the time to craft quality social media posts can make potential customers stop scrolling and consider contacting your landscape business. This calls for professional photos and videos that […]

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Selling Value: How to Avoid Falling into the Commoditization Trap

Tired of dealing with customers simply interested in your pricing and feeling like it’s a race to the bottom against your competitors? Duane Cashin, founder and CEO of Cashin Sales, says the key to overcoming this is selling your company’s value during the discovery phase of the sales process. “It lays the foundation for the […]

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Nine Ways to Crush Your Landscaping Online Marketing in 2023

Guest content by Ron McCabe, president of Everbearing Services Anyone who has been in the industry for any length of time will confirm that most companies have had an unprecedented influx of business over the last few years. I think that many of us are sensing a shift in the marketplace due to the massive […]

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What’s Your Story?

Everyone has a story. Your company’s story and how you decide to communicate it can help attract loyal customers and new employees. Especially in the lawn and landscape industry, where there is a lot of competition, your story can help differentiate you from others in your market. You might think you have a story that […]

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Business Smarts: Crafting Resolutions to Benefit Your Company

New Year’s resolutions are often ambitious and well-intentioned goals you set for your personal life, but you can also craft some for your business as you head into the new year. As you reflect on another year finished, these are just a few possible business resolution suggestions to focus on as you continue to grow […]

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