Sales Archives - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Common Stalling Points and Solutions For Closing Sales with Design-Build Customers

If you frequently deal with clients who reach the end of the sales process but can’t seem to sign the dotted line, this can significantly impact your work pipeline. Having a poor closing rate can be due to a number of different factors. Some reasons can be out of your control, but others you can […]

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Are You Conducting Effective Sales Conversations?

It can be frustrating when you meet with lead after lead, but hardly any of them pan out into actual sales. It can be tempting to just blame it on wishy-washy consumers who aren’t ready to commit to a serious investment. However, that enables you to avoid looking at your side of the interactions and […]

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Sealing Profit Leaks: Understanding Consequences of Manual Estimates and Lost Sales Opportunities

Sponsored content by Shiva Dhawan, CEO, Co-founder, For commercial landscaping businesses, profit leaks often stem up. Two key reasons are inaccurate estimates and the opportunity cost of manual sales processes. The former risks the viability of each project, while the latter squanders precious time that could be spent securing new business. But identifying these […]

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Business Smarts: Tapping Into Property Managers’ Perspective When Selling

Property managers are the decision-makers for many commercial landscape accounts, so if you’re wondering how you can successfully impress them and close deals with them, take some time to step into their shoes.   One of the easiest ways to discover what matters most to property managers is to reflect on what causes a prospect […]

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Business Smarts: Aligning Your Landscape Company with Property Managers’ Needs and Preferences

Property managers have plenty of commercial landscape companies to choose from, so how do you stand out? It can be a hard market to break into, but it comes down to building strong relationships. Check out some of the ways to strengthen your relationship with property managers. Property Manager Preferences While communication is a priority […]

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Lawn Care: Selling The Value of Aeration Services

When you’re trying to provide your customers with a lush lawn for their property, one tool that can aid in this effort is aeration. The challenge is selling the service to customers who may not understand the purpose or benefits of aeration. Aeration helps reduce soil compaction. It also allows water, oxygen, and fertilizer to […]

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Navigating Economic and Election Year Challenges in the Landscaping & Lawn Care Industry

Guest post by Duane Cashin, owner of Cashin Sales As 2024 is well underway, it’s crucial to understand the unique challenges that lie ahead. This is not just another year; it’s an election year, and the economy is expected to undergo significant shifts. These factors will undoubtedly impact your business, particularly in the area of sales. […]

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How to Influence Consumer Buying Decisions

Because landscape and lawn care services are mostly discretional purchases and there is an abundance of choice when it comes to providers, it’s critical you can persuade your client base to select you over other options. Your marketing efforts can be highly effective at influencing consumer behavior if you consider some of the main factors […]

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Lawn Care: Different Sales Offerings To Consider

Sometimes, there are certain aspects of your lawn care business you have in place because that’s simply how you operated when you first got started. One of those can be how you sell and offer your services. Depending on your core customer base, your current sales model may not be the most effective method anymore. […]

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Selling Value: How to Avoid Falling into the Commoditization Trap

Tired of dealing with customers simply interested in your pricing and feeling like it’s a race to the bottom against your competitors? Duane Cashin, founder and CEO of Cashin Sales, says the key to overcoming this is selling your company’s value during the discovery phase of the sales process. “It lays the foundation for the […]

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