Sales Archives - Page 2 of 2 - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Team Building: Motivating Your Sales Team with Commission

If your landscape company has decided to go with the salary plus commission pay structure, there are still a lot of variables to decide for your team. Some considerations include when commissions are paid out, how the commission is handled if a project goes over budget and if any additional bonuses should be awarded. How […]

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Team Building: Sales Team Pay Structure Options

When it comes to paying your sales team, itā€™s a little bit of the Wild West out there. While itā€™s common for your field crews to be paid hourly and your management team to be paid a salary, sales team members are in a class all their own. Thereā€™s no one right or wrong way […]

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Gain a Competitive Edge With Stronger Sales Leadership

This information came from a session during the 2022 ELEVATE conference and expo. Donā€™t miss the 2023 ELEVATE in Dallas on Sept. 10-13. Sales cannot be managed but leading sales activities and leading metrics can be. When you put effort into building an outstanding sales organization, you can create a sustainable competitive advantage and maintain your growth […]

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Proactive Sales: How to Build and Drive an Extraordinary Client Experience

It can be easy to settle for reactive sales, but this can also result in lower margins and a customer-controlled business. ā€œTo overcome these challenges, you must use a tactful approach that starts by driving the process with clear communication that highlights the value your company can bring,ā€ says Alison Blobner, director of marketing and […]

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Business Smarts: Crafting Showcase Areas for Sales

Landscaping is a visual business and itā€™s natural to show your clients 2D or 3D renderings of their proposed job. But you can take it one step further and help them envision their project with a showcase space on your property. These spaces require substantial investment but for the landscaping companies that have installed them […]

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Business Smarts: Best Practices for Upselling Services

Itā€™s often said itā€™s easier to sell services to your existing clients, rather than finding all new ones. This is why upselling is so profitable as you are simply asking a customer if they want to add on another service to the existing ones youā€™re providing. While you might be reluctant to upsell out of […]

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4 Powerful Ways to Educate Your Customers

Article AuthorĀ Mike Eisenhuth, is a Success CoachĀ forĀ LandOpt, an NALP Consultant Member firm. Imagine you are seeking a contractor to do work on your house. What qualities, features and attributes will you look for in this service provider? What questions will you ask? As a consumer, you want to ensure the best investment of your hard-earned […]

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Great Sales Pros Get Referrals

What makes a great landscape or lawn care sales or account manager?Ā  According to Marty Grunder, of Grunder Landscaping, who led the NALP Sales Bootcamp events recently in Philadelphia and Dallas, there are five Strategic things that good sales pros have in common.

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