Sales Advice Archives - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Sales Advice

Are You Conducting Effective Sales Conversations?

It can be frustrating when you meet with lead after lead, but hardly any of them pan out into actual sales. It can be tempting to just blame it on wishy-washy consumers who aren’t ready to commit to a serious investment. However, that enables you to avoid looking at your side of the interactions and […]

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Business Smarts: Establishing a Strong Lead Qualification Process

Your time is precious and the last thing you want to do is spend it pursuing potential customers who are not a good fit for your landscape company. Having a lead qualification process can help you manage the volume of requests you receive. It is better for your salespeople and your organization. Rebecca Snow, a […]

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How to Better Understand Your Landscape Clients with Customer Profiling

Many sales experts say better understanding your customers is the secret of successful selling. Existing customers are important sources of information. The more you know about them, the more you can target other people like them as new customers and the more you can increase current customers’ spending. Customer profiling enables lawn and landscape professionals […]

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Great Sales Pros Get Referrals

What makes a great landscape or lawn care sales or account manager?  According to Marty Grunder, of Grunder Landscaping, who led the NALP Sales Bootcamp events recently in Philadelphia and Dallas, there are five Strategic things that good sales pros have in common.

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