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recruiting and retention

Team Building: Hosting an Employee Appreciation Event

 If you’re wanting to pull out all the stops when it comes to letting your employees know you appreciate their efforts at your lawn or landscape company, hosting a specific employee appreciation event is one option. The concept you have in mind might be simple, but make sure you’re thinking through all the logistics to […]

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The Missing Piece: Crafting a Dynamic Company Culture

“Every company, community, institution, family and society has a culture,” says Paul Fraynd, co-owner of Sun Valley Landscaping, based in Omaha, Nebraska. “It starts anytime two people enter a room together.” The question is – do you want to be intentional about your company culture or let it happen on a whim? “I would ask: […]

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Do’s and Don’ts of Developing A Strong Company Culture

Company culture is one of the strongest tools you have when it comes to recruiting and retaining your employees. Make sure you’re taking advantage of this selling point of your business and avoid costly mistakes that can damage your culture in the long run. The Do’s Matthew Spiece, general manager of Joshua Tree Experts, based […]

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Peer Perspective: The Importance of Hiring Employees for a Cultural Fit

As company culture becomes more of a focal point for business owners, you’ve probably heard some say they only hire ‘cultural fits.’ This practice of hiring candidates who align with your landscape business’s values and mission can sound like madness in an industry where the labor pool is ever-shrinking, but the owners who have committed […]

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Building Your Team: Hiring a Full-Time Recruiter

If given the choice, would you rather your crew leader handle filing your taxes as part of their job or have a CPA do that? Similarly, asking different team members to put on a recruiting hat on top of their other responsibilities isn’t going to get you the best results. Sure, they might be able […]

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Team Building: What Employees Like Best About a Good Company Culture

You’ve probably heard company culture listed as a top reason employees stay at a landscape organization. Today we’re diving into the more specific aspects they like and the benefits of a strong company culture. What Resonates with Employees Dean DeSantis, owner of DeSantis Landscapes, based in Portland, Oregon, boils it down to trust. “Trust that […]

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Team Building: Offering A Workplace Wellness Program

If you want to become a destination workplace for landscape employees, one benefit to consider offering is a workplace wellness program. A wellness program could include anything from having an on-site gym or fitness classes to mental health resources. Research has shown that promoting employee health and well-being can result in a positive impact on […]

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Team Building: Ways to Foster Diversity in the Workforce

You can access untapped potential when you diversify your workforce. While fostering diversity is a never-ending objective that takes time and resources, the results are well worth the effort. “Having a diverse workforce means happier and healthier employees, customers feel more respected, and managers have greater access to the talent and skillsets they need for […]

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Team Building: Offering Educational Assistance Opportunities

In the constant battle for talent, one aspect to examine is the current benefits you offer employees and their family members. Some companies in the industry have found investing in their employees’ higher education helpful when it comes to retention. The Davey Tree Expert Company, based in Kent, Ohio, has had The Davey Tree Family […]

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Team Building: Bridging the Culture Gap

Many lawn and landscape companies have a diverse workforce, but if you’re not taking the time to understand your team’s cultural differences, you could fail to retain your workers long-term. “Any company or industry that has and embraces diversity can benefit tremendously,” says Pam Berrios, president of Infinity Group, LLC. “Diversity helps companies grow and […]

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