May 15, 2024 - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Day: May 15, 2024

Boosting Your Business: Keys to Keep Your Culture Strong as You Grow

As a leader, you often define and drive your company’s culture. However, as you grow your business, the sheer number of employees and the geographical spread of your operations will make it far more challenging to have a cohesive culture across locations. Yet, it is not impossible. Many large landscape companies have been able to […]

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Conquering Challenges: Bringing the Amazon River to the Audubon Aquarium

This project earned Mullin a Gold Award for Interior Installation in the 2023 Awards of Excellence. Since its opening in 1990, the Audubon Aquarium in New Orleans, Louisiana, has attracted millions of visitors to see unique marine life and tropical ecosystems. In recent years, the aquarium has undergone renovations to improve the facility. One focus […]

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Peer Perspective: The Importance of Hiring Employees for a Cultural Fit

As company culture becomes more of a focal point for business owners, you’ve probably heard some say they only hire ‘cultural fits.’ This practice of hiring candidates who align with your landscape business’s values and mission can sound like madness in an industry where the labor pool is ever-shrinking, but the owners who have committed […]

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