Protecting Your Business Archives - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Protecting Your Business

Protecting Your Business: The Lesser-Known Capabilities of Fleet Tracking Systems

Fleet tracking systems offer far more than just GPS tracking for your crews’ vehicles. This type of technology can improve efficiency, reduce costs and boost overall fleet safety. “Companies without fleet tracking are running at a disadvantage relative to adopters who are improving the safety and efficiency of their fleets,” Joe DiMartino, CEO of Fleetr. “The ROI […]

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Protecting Your Business: Crafting Hiring Strategies for H-2B Visa Shortfalls

It’s the news you never want to hear. You didn’t receive your H-2B visas for this year. However, due to the volatility of this temporary visa program, it is a reality for many landscaping companies. “The H-2B program is something that’s great, but it’s always a gamble, unfortunately,” says Nubia Guiterrez, director of human resources […]

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Protecting Your Business: Ingraining Defensive Driving Tactics

Even with the best route density, your crews spend a significant amount of time behind the wheel. One way to help reduce the risk of accidents occurring while they’re out in the field is to train them in defensive driving tactics. “No matter how skilled a driver is, the road is littered with potential hazards, […]

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Protecting Your Business: Effective Equipment Theft Deterrent Strategies

You invest a significant amount in your fleet and equipment, and the last thing you want to deal with are thefts that impact your crew’s ability to work. Implementing a number of deterrent strategies, as well as best practices for equipment recovery, can help reduce these occurrences. Teddy Russell, CEO of Russell Landscape Group, based […]

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Protecting Your Business: Rising from the Ashes – How to Recover from Disaster

‘That’ll never happen to me’ can be a common thought as you hear stories of disasters taking place. However, the truth is many incidents happen when people least expect it. While most misfortunes are unforeseen and there’s little that could be done to prevent them from occurring, how you respond to these types of emergencies […]

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Protecting Your Business: Safety Practices to Adopt from the Construction Industry

The construction industry faces many threats that put its workers at risk and as a result, more construction firms are investing in a culture of safety to protect their employees. Each year, the Associated General Contractors of America awards construction firms that excel in safety performance with Construction Safety Excellence Awards. These winners aren’t selected […]

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Protecting Your Business: Technology to Help Provide Proof of Service

Do you struggle with clients not knowing that you’ve provided service? In some cases, it’s obvious when work has been completed, such as snow being gone from a parking lot, but there are other services where clients may question if your crews have been to the site at all. Providing proof of service is a […]

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Protecting Your Business: Focus on Safety Training When Onboarding

Statistically, the first six to 12 months with a landscape company are the most dangerous period for new employees. By taking the time to ensure proper safety training from the start, you can help lower this high incidence level for your new hires. While it may seem like common sense to include safety training in […]

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Protecting Your Business: Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute for Insurance Renewals

Spring has sprung, and it is also prime time for insurance renewal dates. When you’re caught up in the hectic nature of the season, you might not be taking the time to review your policy before its expiration. Drew Garcia, vice president of Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, says landscape professionals should be reviewing their policies […]

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Protecting Your Business: How To Create a Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan

Nothing in life is certain and without a crisis management plan in place, particular tragedies and crises can be debilitating for your business. “If you have a vision for your company, then part of the vision should withstand possible scenarios that you’re going to encounter,” says Joe Lewis, LIC, chief operating officer for Yard Solutions, […]

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