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In this time of new media augmented reality, it is easy to go gaga over what technology can do for you. Before you know it, you are so wrapped up in a loop of systems you forget the basics that got you here, namely, the venerable to-do list. The to-do list has always been the […]
PLANET recently interviewed a few of our members on how they were surviving in these tough economic times. Here is one of those interviews from Gerry McCarthy of Mac’s Landscaping in Burlington, MA. “I know we’re not alone when I say the design/build portion of our business has taken a tremendous hit since the recession […]
On December 15, 2009, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) and several other members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus held a press conference to introduce the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity (CIR-ASAP) Act of 2009 (H.R. 4321 ). The bill contains problematic H-2B provisions along the lines of those proposed in past legislation introduced […]
I was flying home recently on United Airlines from a consulting trip that took me through Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. I realized I had not read Hemispheres Magazine (United’s Inflight Magazine) for the month of December yet, so I flipped through it as my plane took off out of a cold, snowy and icy Allentown, […]
It’s your signature. While many of us communicate more than we ever imagined via messages on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and many other networks, we still rely on email as our main communication stream. Regardless of your social media savvy, you will surely agree that you still send more business proposals via email than any other […]
Hello all, as you know we are taking it up a couple of notches for customer retention this season. So it is understood if we hold on to more clients now the better off ahead we will be into 2010. A couple of things I want to say, if someone wants to cancel services due […]
What should I blog about? This is the most frequent inquiry I get from clients, regardless of their industry or specialty. Do you know why this is such an interesting question? Because you can blog about anything you please, notwithstanding a few guidelines that were recently laid down by the FTC. This is why new […]
As a business owner, I know how easy it is to develop myopic vision – to get wrapped up in and involved with keeping the wheels of commerce rolling in a forward direction. I don’t need to go into detail about how the last couple of years have made it even more difficult for all […]
I direct this article toward small businesses that want to develop a training culture, create or access and deliver programs that maximize productivity and profit. Two facts are important. First, untrained people typically fail or, at best, under-perform. Their mistakes and omissions lower your service level, damage your image in the marketplace and eventually, […]
Many of us in the United States will be reengaging with our regular business communities after nearly a week of visiting or hosting family for the Thanksgiving holiday. This ritual will again be repeated for a number of upcoming holidays, depending upon your faith, upbringing and background, and if you travel to warmer climates during […]