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While most customers come from referrals and word of mouth, people who are looking for a lawn care or a landscape company without a suggestion from a friend or family member are going to be searching online. Even if a potential client has received a referral, some still like to check out the business’s website. […]
More than 500,000 Hispanic-Americans work in the landscape industry across the country. Pathways into landscape careers and business ownership are varied, but growth opportunities and a love of the outdoors fuels many Latinos’ longevity in the industry. How They Entered the Industry For Ray Rueda, CEO of Nature’s Dream Landscape, based in Pinecrest, Florida, he […]
Victoria Trucco studied architecture in Colombia and had wanted to earn a master’s degree in urbanism. However, her dual citizenship caused her to not be eligible for a scholarship at Penn State. “I had two small children and could not afford the private university for urbanism,” she says. Her husband, Ray Rueda, was relocated to […]
It is understood that fall aeration is beneficial for lawns and helps prepare them for the following spring. However, one question that is coming up more is what type of aeration services to provide your clients. Core aeration has been the standard for years, but more companies are adding liquid aeration as an option or […]