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Four Efficiency Strategies to Improve Your Bottom Line

When you aren’t seeing a profitable bottom line in your lawn and landscape business, your first thought might be time to raise prices again. However, as customers continue to deal with increasing costs on every side, it might be a good idea to look at other saving methods first. This isn’t to say you should […]

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Business Smarts: Logistical Considerations for Adding On-Site Fueling

So, you’ve decided it’s time to add on-site fueling to your company headquarters and/or branch locations. Hopefully, you’ve already thought through all the benefits and drawbacks having your own fuel tanks can offer your lawn and landscape business. Check out some of the other considerations to have in mind as you plan out this addition […]

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Business Smarts: Hosting Effective Staff Meetings

You’ve probably seen the snarky memes about meetings saying, ‘This could have been an email.’ This is a common sentiment as it’s estimated 11 million meetings are held every working day and 71% of employees find them unproductive. According to FlowTrace, $37 billion is lost annually due to ineffective meetings. While there’s no doubt some […]

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Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of On-Site Fueling

Imagine eliminating the daily detour to the gas station for your landscape fleet. This is just one of the benefits on-site fueling can offer. Check out what these companies have to say about the pros and cons of having on-site fueling for their business. The Benefits of On-Site Fueling   The direct cost savings from […]

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Business Smarts: When to Add On-Site Fueling To Your Operations

Fuel is critical to your lawn and landscape business. However, it can also be a major headache if you’re still sending your crews to local gas stations in the morning before starting the day. One solution many owners eventually adopt is on-site fueling. While you may think this is a luxury only the largest in […]

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What Does a Good Day Look Like For Your Lawn and Landscape Business?

Have you ever sat down and thought about what a good day looks like for your company? You know what the bad days look like. Employees don’t show up for work. A truck or mower refuses to start. An infuriated client calls. Materials are late for a job you’re already behind on. The list can […]

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Leaving Your Comfort Zone: How to Test New Concepts and Innovations in Your Landscape Company

It can be so easy to stick to the status quo when running your lawn or landscape business. Often, when you finally get to that sweet spot where things are running smoothly the last thing you want to do is disrupt it by adding new processes, equipment or technology. “I think you have to be […]

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Boosting Productivity: The Roles and Traits of an Executive Assistant

An executive assistant can be a godsend to your landscape or lawn care company if you hire the right fit and define their role well. One big question is when you should add an assistant. This is mostly a case-by-case situation. Taylor Milliken, owner and president of Milosi, based in Hendersonville, Tennessee, says it depends […]

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Business Smarts: Unveiling the Untapped Potential of Hiring an Executive Assistant

As a lawn care or landscape company owner, you wear many hats, especially starting out, but as you grow, hiring an executive assistant can open up your schedule to focus on the bigger picture. Reasons to Hire an Assistant Taylor Milliken, owner and president of Milosi, based in Hendersonville, Tennessee, found himself in this position […]

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How I Do It: Milosi Invests in R&D to Stay on the Cutting Edge

An R&D department sounds like something only multimillion-dollar corporations can afford to have, but Milosi, based in Hendersonville, Tennessee, has started a bit smaller by creating an R&D committee at the end of 2022. Taylor Milliken, owner and president of Milosi, says he’s wanted to start an R&D committee for years. “With Create and Innovate […]

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