July 2017 - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Month: July 2017

Palm Springs to Ban Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers

After considering a complete ban of leaf blowers in the city, the Palm Springs City Council instead elected to ban gas-powered models. The move will force the areas landscapers, to purchase battery-operated machines if they wish to continue using leaf blowers when providing service. The switched force to battery-powered blowers is a cost prohibitive measure […]

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Landscape Industry Comes Together to Grow Industry

The National Association of Landscape Professionals is committed to growing the industry and its workforce though the Industry Growth Initiative. Ā At recent meetings during Legislative Days in Washington D.C., NALP’s leadershipĀ celebrated positive steps forward toward the work that is being done to Ā showcase that life ā€“ and lifeā€™s work ā€“ are best enjoyed outside. Here’s […]

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Landscape, Lawn Care Pros Giving Back

July 17, 2017, was the 21st year that the National Association of Landscape Professionals members came together for the largest volunteer landscape project in the United States ā€“ Renewal & Remembrance. Normally held solely at Arlington National Cemetery, this year, at the request of ANC, teams also completed work at the United States Soldiersā€™ and […]

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The Landscape Industry Worked the Room in DC

To say there was a lot going on during NALPā€™s annual Legislative Day on the Hill, on July 18, 2017, is an understatement. There was a political storm brewing on the Hill as the Senateā€™s health care reform bill was withdrawn but that didnā€™t stop the business of lobbying for our industry on issues such […]

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DHS Announces Limited H-2B Cap-Relief

The Departments of Homeland Security and Labor have published a final rule increasing the cap on H-2B non-immigrant visas by up to 15,000 additional visas through the end of fiscal year (FY) 2017. The cap-relief visas will be available only to American businesses which attest that they will likely suffer irreparable harm without the ability […]

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DHS Files Cap-Relief Rule

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has sent a rule to the Office of Management and Budget regarding H-2B cap-relief. The final rule, which was received by the OMBā€™s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs on July 3, is officially titled ā€œExercise of Time-Limited Authority to Increase the Fiscal Year 2017 Numerical Limitation for […]

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8 Non-Traditional Ways to Find Landscape Employees

Author Jenn Myers is NALP’s Director of Workforce Development and she spent years recruiting candidates for placement in the industry’s top firms.Ā  Find the best talent at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition in March.Ā  The search for landscape and lawn care employees can feel like it is a 24/7 job. Ā Are you frustrated and looking […]

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