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July 17, 2017, was the 21st year that the National Association of Landscape Professionals members came together for the largest volunteer landscape project in the United States – Renewal & Remembrance. Normally held solely at Arlington National Cemetery, this year, at the request of ANC, teams also completed work at the United States Soldiers’ and […]
To say there was a lot going on during NALP’s annual Legislative Day on the Hill, on July 18, 2017, is an understatement. There was a political storm brewing on the Hill as the Senate’s health care reform bill was withdrawn but that didn’t stop the business of lobbying for our industry on issues such […]
The Departments of Homeland Security and Labor have published a final rule increasing the cap on H-2B non-immigrant visas by up to 15,000 additional visas through the end of fiscal year (FY) 2017. The cap-relief visas will be available only to American businesses which attest that they will likely suffer irreparable harm without the ability […]