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More than 100 industry CEOs and HR-focused staff, and representatives from allied industries and the Department of Labor gathered in Alexandria, Virginia, this week at NALP’s Workforce Summit to share strategies and best practices to attract and retain employees. With unemployment at near record lows, many industries are competing for the same employees who landscape […]
Most companies would likely say they welcome a more diverse workforce. But they don’t know how to get the culture of diversity they seek. A session at NALP’s upcoming Workforce Summit based on the association’s new Diversity and Inclusion program will provide the framework and lenses for looking at your company differently to attract and […]
If you’re struggling with finding and keeping employees right now, you aren’t alone. The lawn and landscape industry is facing a significant shortage of qualified workers and it seems that everyone is vying for the same people. In your own local market, you might feel as though the best workers get gobbled up by another […]
In this era of labor shortages within the lawn and landscape industry, many companies are looking to connect with students before they make their career choices. Traditionally, that has meant working with local colleges. But LandCare has found that connecting with high schools may be even more impactful. After all, there are many students who […]