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Ladders can be used for a number of tasks in the landscape industry, including pruning trees, cleaning gutters, installing holiday décor, or installing/maintaining interior plantscaping. Even a fall from a relatively low height can result in painful and permanent injuries. According to OSHA, ladders are number four in the top 10 standards most frequently cited […]
For the past several months, the number of headlines about layoffs, particularly in the Silicon Valley realm, has been surging. Multiple factors are behind these layoffs, including tech companies scaling back to pre-pandemic levels or changing their service model, but opportunity also lies in this news. According to layoffs.fyi, 522 tech companies have laid off […]
“Is it really worth it?” It’s a question that every client has to ask themselves when trying to decide if they want to go through with a certain outdoor project. Not only is there a question of how happy they’ll be after completing a project, but there’s also the question of its value when it […]
It seems like everyone is in attack mode these days and our industry isn’t spared. Lately, lawns have come under attack in the media and on social media from people who don’t understand how they fit into a healthy ecosystem and benefit the environment. As we well know, turfgrass is a hard-working member of the […]
Sarah Greene has 20 years of experience in the landscape industry. She has been an account manager, floriculture manager, business development manager, garden manager, landscape designer and consultant. Greene acknowledges that her career path has been unconventional, but she was intentional about taking on all these different roles. She notes that her different jobs have […]