GIC is underway!!! - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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GIC is underway!!!

Today (wednesday) was registration day and boy, did we have a long day!!! The other ambassadors and I worked the registration table, introduced guest speakers, and made sure the conference runs smoothly.  BUT, we stood all day and really learned on the fly and completely held things together.

Zane Castle is ‘Mom’ while we are  here in Luuuullvill. (Trust me, locals here can tell I am a Maryland boy) The entire PLANET staff realllly looks after us and makes sure we have everything under control…HI LADIES!!!!

The conference shows great promise this year with the turn out. The hotel is packed and the seminars are extremely interesting!  It seems the topics are based on sustainability, leadership and how to grow in such a dismal economic time….interesting.

Until tomorrow

Mark Gonzalez, University of Maryland