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With the sudden rush of heat and humidity, our lawns are suddenly headed in the wrong direction. That which was looking pretty good with rain and moderate temperatures is now rapidly browning and all of a sudden we’re seeing a lot of new weeds – especially crabgrass. Why is this so? Why does my lawn […]
It seems like yesterday that we were dealing with snow cover that did not want to go away and waterlogged soils that significantly slowed the development of our lawns, mostly because it was yesterday, but those conditions have vanished and we have new challenges – it’s that time of year again – time for heat […]
Have you ever wondered what takes place the days leading up to our annual Renewal & Remembrance event at Arlington National Cemetery? Let’s see… The equipment began trickling in on Thursday (and will continue to do so through the weekend). The lime and gypsum has arrived, the trees are being tagged, the Children’s Planting area […]