Saving the Planet - One Yard at a Time - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Saving the Planet – One Yard at a Time


turmuttwithlogoOPEI is proud to announce a new educational program launched this past September.  Developed with Weekly Reader, the leader in educational publishing since 1902, OPEI’s Education and Research Foundation introduced a science-based curriculum to 3rd-5th graders with TurfMutt, the Yard Dog, as the mascot.  Pulling in scientific data on the value of turf, this program teaches students about the fundamentals of how and why plants grow and the value of lawns and landscapes.  TurfMutt, the Caped Crusader, Out to Save the Planet One Yard at a Time, is battling the ‘bad guys’ – Dr. Runoff, Carbon Creep, Dust Demon and HeatFreak.    The curriculum teaches kids how important green space is to remove carbon dioxide (CO2), release oxygen, cool the air, control dust, reduce erosion and filter water.  


The first phase is complete – we sent out materials to Washington, DC and Sacramento, CA area schools in early September.  These materials included worksheets for science experiments on photosynthesis and seed starting, games, bookmarks and a poster contest to spur ideas and creativity on how kids and their families can create and save greenspaces in their community.


We invite you all to join our program by visiting the Blogsite at, where you can see the materials and learn more about TurfMutt.  We urge you to sign up for an RSS feed, comment on our blog postings and then follow TurfMutt on Twitter and become a Fan of TurfMutt on Facebook (just search for ‘TurfMutt’).


This is just the beginning of an important journey meant to help kids see the connection between growing, healthy green spaces and a healthy environment!


Lucky and I
Lucky and I
