Get Organized! What a Landscape Company Org Chart Should Look Like

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Get Organized! What a Landscape Company Org Chart Should Look Like

A landscape company org chart helps assign responsibility and accountability to your employees. It establishes a personnel framework with levels of oversight. You should write a job description for every position on the organizational chart. As we addressed in Aligning Your Organization, create a future organizational chart that includes positions you’ll need as you grow. This way, you can show your people how they can develop a career and move up as your organization matures.

Your organizational chart should satisfy these four objectives:

Landscape Company Org Chart: Define Job Responsibilities

landscape company org chart
Small Landscape Company Org Chart Example

The chart should clearly name the job responsibilities in your company so you can make decisions at (or close to) the point at which issues originate. Using the chart (right) as an example, the crew leader addresses a situation in the field. And if the concern must be raised to a higher level, the crew leader will alert the account manager. Or, if the salesperson needs to discuss a strategy or work out an issue, he or she would approach the president of the company.

Landscape Company Org Chart: Encourage Freedom

When team members understand their roles and how they fit into your companyā€™s structure, this gives them a sense of freedom. Beyond managing job duties, they gain the freedom to share ideas and practice leadership within their roles.

Landscape Company Org Chart: Create Central Control

An organizational chart establishes central policy control from the presidentā€™s office. This way, every unit of the organization works in sync. Everyone also understands how they play a role in achieving the companyā€™s goals and its overall success.

Landscape Company Org Chart: Maintain Flexibility

Your organizational chart can expand as your company has the need for additional talent. You are not ā€œboxed inā€ to a structure. On paper, the org chart is indeed a boxed-in tool. The reality is that the chart is completely fluid and can ā€œmoveā€ as your company changes.

EDITORā€™S NOTE: This story was an excerpt from one of NALPā€™s member resources, provided by well-known industry consultant Bruce Wilson. Want to learn more about bettering your business? Become a member to enjoy these resources and more.