Exponential Growth Through The Third Door: How to Think Differently, Transform Your Business, and Achieve Your Most Important Goals - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Exponential Growth Through The Third Door: How to Think Differently, Transform Your Business, and Achieve Your Most Important Goals

What do icons like Maya Angelou, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall and Pitbull have in common? They are all individuals that author Alex Banayan has interviewed during his seven-year quest to discover the high-performance habits of successful people.

He distilled these mindsets and tools into his book, The Third Door. During the opening general session at ELEVATE on Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, Banayan will cover how to cultivate exponential growth no matter what stage of your career youā€™re in and how perseverance plays a role in achieving your biggest goal.

He says this keynote is a time to come together and hear stories that will make you laugh, make you think and make you see yourself in a new way.

ā€œUltimately, if I’ve learned one thing over the past 10 years, is that you can give someone all the tools and knowledge in the world and they can still feel stuck,ā€ Banayan says. ā€œBut if you change what someone believes is possible, they’ll never be the same. And that to me is the heart of this keynote. If anyone is ready to cultivate more growth in their careers, this is what this keynote is all about.ā€

Alex Banayan

Banayan says that the Third Door way of thinking is the mindset of achieving whatever your goals are. The Third Door framework has helped individuals discover unconventional routes to achieve their biggest dreams and has aided Fortune 500 companies to take new approaches to sales, marketing, and exponential growth.

ā€œIf I’ve learned one thing is that there’s not a perfect recipe or blueprint for success,ā€ Banayan says. ā€œBut there is a mindset and once we instill that mindset, possibilities open up that we may never have seen before.ā€

He says that getting stuck and feeling unmotivated from time to time are all natural parts of the human experience.

ā€œFeeling stuck doesnā€™t mean somethingā€™s wrong,ā€ Banayan says. ā€œIt just means thereā€™s something weā€™re not fully aware of yet and once we can become aware of whatā€™s making use feel stuck thatā€™s when you feel liberated.ā€

During the keynote, Banayan will also share the story of how he was able to interview so many notable individuals, which includes him hacking The Price is Right, winning a sailboat, selling it, and using the money to fund his quest. He had a dream early on where he wanted to learn from the people that he was most curious about.

ā€œI wanted to learn business lessons from Bill Gates,ā€ Banayan says. ā€œI wanted to learn about science from Jane Goodall and to learn entertainment from Steven Spielberg. Essentially the Third Door was my own quest to learn about the mindset of success.ā€

While it started off as a simple idea, Banayan says the lessons he learned along the journey are the heart of what heā€™ll be sharing during the keynote in September. 

ā€œI don’t believe in a specific algorithm describing success,ā€ Banayan says. ā€œI don’t believe that a magazine can tell you who’s more successful than who. So, the way I made my original list was I thought to myself, simply who I wanted to learn from. If I can make my dream university who would be my professors, and that’s how I came up with the list.ā€

At the core of Banayanā€™s mission is his belief that, ā€œWhen you change what someone believes is possible, you change what becomes possible.”

Want to learn how to experience exponential growth in your own company? Register for ELEVATE and weā€™ll see you in Orlando, Florida!

Jill Odom

Jill Odom is the senior content manager for NALP.