YardApes of New Milford, Connecticut, held their 12th annual Quad-Am Golf Classic on Tuesday September 12th, 2017. The Golf Classic benefited The Pratt Nature Center, a local 205-acre wildlife preserve and educational center. The Pratt Nature Center’s mission is “to stimulate a lifelong responsibility for and joy in the natural world by encouraging people to experience themselves as part of nature, dependent on the Earth’s resources.” The YardApes Quad-Am Golf Classic donated $10,000 to The Pratt Nature Center and $66,00 in total to area nonprofits since its start in late 2006.
YardApes was the recipient of a 2017 NALP Community Partnership Award for their continuous participation in community service and dedication to cleaning up public land and preserving local hiking trails. If you would like your company to be recognized for a Community Partnership Award nominations will be open in the Spring 2018.