Once the Game is Over - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Once the Game is Over

Cheering at the closing ceremonies.
Cheering at the opening ceremonies.

Saturday flew by in a blur.  Competition after competition, we rushed all over the Cal Poly campus to support our team, as other schools did too.  Overall, the group from the University of Florida had a learning filled day.  This experience allowed us the opportunity to understand more about the areas in the industry we are most interested in. 

Saturday night we spent celebrating the event filled day with some laughs and good food in the valley. 

On Sunday at the closing ceremonies, we cheered through the event winners and other awards, then said goodbye to usually distant friends until next year.

 During the flight back across the country to Florida, we  laughed and reminisced  about all the memorable moments from the trip.  It just wouldn’t be SCD 2009 without remembering our tie-dye shirts and Roll Call cheer done to the rhythm of Beyonce’s “All My Single Ladies”!  We all learned a great deal and look forward to Atlanta in 2010!