National Lawn Care Month A Success - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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National Lawn Care Month A Success

National Lawn Care Month

Every year we promote National Lawn Care Month in April.Ā We love to share the benefits of a well-cared for lawn with consumers, and this year, lots of landscape professionals joined in and made our grassroots #lawncaremonth campaign a success. There were 1,025 posts using the #lawncaremonth hashtag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with 1.3 million impressions.


The National Lawn Care Month Toolkit is a great resource with facts, infographics, photos, blog entries and press releases about the benefits of lawns that can be shared with clients and the public throughout the year, not just in April.

National Lawn Care Month and the benefits of our industry were also recognized by Congress when Rep. Austin Scott, read a declaration into the Congressional Record.


Celebrating the benefits of lawns isn’t just something we do in April, it is something we are committed to all year long.