Andrew Bray, Author at The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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Author: Andrew Bray

Andrew Bray is VP of government relations for NALP.

NALP Hosts Another Successful H-2B Fly-In

NALP partnered with the Federation of Employers & Workers of America, the Seasonal Employment Alliance, and AmericanHort to host their annual H-2B fly-in on May 21-22, prior to the Department of Homeland and Department of Labor Appropriations markup. This is our prime time to speak with legislators about the importance of the H-2B program and […]

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New Overtime Rule Goes Into Effect July 1

Recently, the Department of Labor issued a final rule, updating and revising regulations outlined in 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The rule addresses the exemption from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements for executive, administrative, and professional (EAP) employees and will take effect on July 1, 2024, increasing both the standard salary level […]

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What the 2022 Mid-Term Elections Mean for the Landscape Industry

The 2022 mid-terms came and went on Tuesday, Nov. 8, and unfortunately, the results are still not yet final for control of either of the House or the Senate in the 118th Congress. Going into this election, pundits were beginning to predict that we could see a massive wave election like in 1994 and 2010 […]

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Department of Homeland Security Will Release Additional Visas for First Half of the Fiscal Year

On Monday, December 20, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they will be releasing an additional 20,000 H-2B visas for the first half of the fiscal year, which begins October 1 and ends March 30. Of the 20,000 visas, 6,500 will be carved out for Northern Triangle countries (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) and also […]

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President Biden Issues Vaccine Mandates and Other COVID-19 Relief Measures

Last week, President Biden held a press conference and issued his COVID-19 Action Plan the ā€œPath Out of the Pandemic.ā€ The executive order issues several mandates many of which specifically involve vaccines.Ā Some of the key provisions include: Requiring all employers with 100+ employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly. Requiring vaccinations for […]

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NALP Virtual Legislative Days 2021 ā€“ Get Engaged & Advocate for the Landscape Industry

While I’m optimistic about the remainder of 2021 and in-person events happening again, I have been frustrated and upset that weā€™ve gone more than a year without having NALPā€™s Legislative Days in-person and in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, bringing all of our tireless advocates onto Capitol Hill this summer will not be possible. But we wonā€™t […]

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DHS to Release 22,000 Supplemental H-2B Visas

Last night, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Labor reached a deal to release 22,000 supplemental H-2B visas.Ā These additional visas are a result of the discretionary authority granted to DHS by Congress in the FY 21 Appropriations.Ā The official rule has not been published and many details remain unknown with regards to the […]

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