5 Things Owners of Multimillion Dollar Landscaping Businesses Do - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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5 Things Owners of Multimillion Dollar Landscaping Businesses Do

Bill Silverman, of Springboard Business Coaching, and an NALP consultant member, shared these tips in his webinarWhat the Owners of Great Multimillion-Dollar Landscaping Businesses Do That You Should Do Too. 

    • Run your businesses with a vision of the business you’re building and an annual plan that links the actions you take with the results you want to create.
    • Stop trying to be an “I do everything owner” and run your business through key managers who own responsibility for running different parts of your business. Focus your time on “owner-worthy” activities like developing your team, managing high value clients and high value projects that truly contribute to creating a smooth running business with consistent growth and profit.
    • Replace your “hands on, manage by walking around, I got to be there to ensure that everything goes right, micromanagement style,” with a management system of monthly all-employee meetings and weekly one-on-one meetings with your management team to keep everyone focused on their goals and moving in the right direction.
    • Use a performance management system (including job descriptions, clear procedures, training, regular performance feedback and incentives) to make it hard for employees to do the wrong thing and make it easy for them to excel.
    • Continually look for and implement better ways to do things throughout the business. Don’t settle for less than what you really want.

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