First 5 Things Foreman Should Look at When Evaluating a Site - The Edge from the National Association of Landscape Professionals

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First 5 Things Foreman Should Look at When Evaluating a Site

Damion Draeger, Landscape Horticulture Instructor at the Milwaukee Area Technical College, provides pointers about the first things foreman should consider on a job site. He will cover a lot more ground in his two-part webinar series Summing Up Landscape Math, April 21 & 28, 2016.

His tips for foremen include:

  1. Equipment Access- Think about your equipment access. If you need equipment for the job, can you access the work area?
  1.  Utilities – Yes you will call to locate them; but are they buried or overhead?
  1.  Staging Area – Think about whether or not there is a place on site to stage any bulk materials in the quantities you will need.
  1.  Existing Elements – Make note of any structures will you have to work around.
  1.  Access to Water and Power – Figure out where there are outlets and an accessible hose bib? Are they turned on?

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